VITAE Glass Blog
Discover fun facts, handy tips, and everything you need to know about stackable smoking accessories on the VITAE Glass Blog to unlock the world of cannabis!
Not all bongs are created equal. Modular bongs give you the chance to create a custom bong that is stackable, stylish, durable, easy to clean, and truly yours.
Custom Weed Bowls: Exploring Unique Designs and Features
Custom weed bowls offer a unique smoking experience through personalized designs. These bowls are crafted from various materials, each contributing different qualities
What to Look for in a Bong: Key Features and Considerations
With a wide variety of sizes and styles, you can find a bong that fits your lifestyle. Modular bongs allow for customization, making them an...
How to Make a Weed Bong: A Step-by-Step Guide
The key lies in using high-quality materials. It’s easy to be tempted by cheaper alternatives, but remember, a premium bong is an investment in your...
How High to Fill Beaker Bong with Single Tree Diffuser for Optimal Use
Too little water and you won’t get the full filtration benefits. Too much, and you risk splashback, making it uncomfortable. Getting the water level right...
How to Make Your Own Bong: A Simple DIY Guide
A modular bong gives you control over the experience. You can swap out parts to adjust the size, shape, or functionality based on your preferences.
How to Fill a Showerhead Percolator Bong: A Step-by-Step Guide
The goal is to pour the water gently into the mouthpiece without making a mess or overfilling the bong. Tilt the bong slightly to allow...
How to Use a Small Bong: A Simple Guide for Beginners
Small bongs are all about portability and discretion, but that doesn’t mean they sacrifice quality. If you want a more personalized experience, modular bongs allow...
What Can I Paint My Glass Bong With: Best Materials and Techniques
Customizing your bong adds style and personal flair, but choosing the right materials and techniques is key for durability, safety, and improved functionality.
What Does a Percolator Bong Do: Enhancing Your Smoking Experience
A percolator bong filters and cools smoke by forcing it through small holes or slits, increasing air, smoke, and water interaction for a smoother, cleaner...